Since I can remember, airports are a place of joy for me. Not only when I am heading to one with plane tickets in my pocket but also when friends are arriving or departing. Those pick-up/drop-off trips to the airport have been, either way, exciting because someone was departing to new shores, telling me about all the possible routes and places to visit… or someone was arriving and had tons of thrilling stories to share.
I guess I can call myself blessed by an international family. Almost everyone is from somewhere else and has lived abroad for some time so that I grew up hearing stories about these exciting places beyond the German borders. Every year we would visit several corners of the world and it was wonderful.
Once I finally turned 16, I could finally travel autonomously. My first trip alone, only with a friend, was to London and it was fantastic! I could barely speak English — people had to make a good guess to communicate with me — and until today I consider London an incredibly appealing city.
With 17 I moved out from home to live in Moscow and to attend a Russian school for a year. The American Field Service enabled this and connected me to individuals around the globe. This year was my private renaissance.
When I turned 18 (still in Moscow) I had realized my purpose for this life. I want to spend most of my time, and hopefully, at some point, all of my time, exploring our blue marble with all the wonderful cultures, people and places that exist all around it.
And every week, Pata de Chucho will share some of our love for this world with you. So stay tuned!!!
Author: Frederic Maximilian
