Tourism has been growing constantly in Colombia and has started to become an important industry for the economy of the country and of the Colombians. Between 2010 and 2019, tourism generated 1 million jobs in the country.

As the graph shows, the rapid growth of tourism in Colombia, received a hard hit in 2020 from COVID-19. All the touristic activities stoped which meant the loss of 20,000 million pesos (5 million dollars) in the tourism sector.

Marca País Colombia or in English, Brand Country Colombia, is an initiative of the Colombian government to promote tourism in the country. It started in 2005 with the realization of tourism for the future of Colombia's economy.
This government company is in charge of Colombia's branding to portray it as an attractive country for tourists and foreign investors. Since 2005 it has worked in many campaigns and alongside other companies like Cine Colombia S.A.S. The most recent campaign, feel the rhythm was launched in 2019. It was made in collaboration with some of Colombia's most recognized artists like Sebastian Yatra. It has a web page where the tourist can find the ideal touristic destination, depending on their favourite type of music and a Spotify playlist in which you can listen to different Colombian rhythms.
Moreover, the official travel web page includes detailed guides for travel in Colombia. What is most important, COVID-19 travel guides which could serve very useful for Colombian and foreign tourists in the country. Here you will find restrictions and updated information about travel which would facilitate, even more in these confusing times, the travel experience so you can once again visit Colombia, the land of magical realism.