Writing a blog was always something I find very interesting and it seemed to me very cool! I am not very good in writing, I do not have many inspiration when it comes to write something, like essays or some creative writing that we had to do in school.

I always wanted to start blogging, but to me it seemed to be a lot of work and that it takes a lot of time. When I heard that we are going to write a blog on Multimedia Communication coruse, I was really intrigued, but also very insecure and thought I would not be good at it. When it was time to write the first blog, I was so nervous and did not know how to start. After a lot of thinking, I just started to write what is on my mind and suddenly it become so easy. I also needed some help, which I mentioned in my second blog post. Writing a third blog post was very interesting because I introduced a very special person, Davor Rostuhar, first Croatian who conquered Antartica. I liked exploring his work and enjoyed writing about him. There are so many people whose passion is travelling and they managed to make money of it. I chose two people who I find very inspirational and their social media is just outstanding, you just want to hop in the plane and escape the reality! In the past 7 moths, travelling became almost impossible because of the coronavirus but there is always a way. Popular bloggers and travelholics started to blog about travelling during pandemic and they shared their experiences, tips and tricks how to make travelling easy.

For me blogging about travelling was a blast! I had the opportunity to explore some of the most intereting people and their social media, otherwise if it weren't for this course, I would not do it on my own. I'm very glad I did it. I hope soon I will manage to travel like before pandemic, without restrictions and just enjoy our beautiful Mother Earth.